Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Open Minded

This was written by my friend Avery Dey who is 14. She has taken the Silva UltraMind training.

I was never smothered in her love or dread and that is why she could be anything. My grandmother's photograph unlocked a catalyst of imagination. Her picture still lingers, dusted over carefully, encased in a faded frame. A wash  of pastel, she dawns in the Technicolor of the forties. She was nothing without my imagination. The word dead seemed too plain next to her intricate features. Even though she was not there truly she was a fixture in my childhood. My grandmother has always lived, a starlet starring in the adventures of my mind.

Imagination is something we all have and perhaps it is because we suppress its power that makes us so dejected toward the future. the few who never lost it will discern everything in good time. Imagination is something boundless, intricately simple. It is comforting for everywhere you look it's essence is hidden. When you feel it has been lost, its mystery in turn leads you to something greater than reality. Imagination is the study of yourself and it hides within hour wildest dreams. When you have it you have everything you really need.

I would tell myself all sorts of stories and dream up her attributes. She was always living: in exquisite times, crafting  at what profession seemed adequate to my desires. Still I questioned....dead?

No one could understand how I could be so interested in someone so easily disregarded. Nothing could cure the curiosity that grew with every one worded answer I received. I learned the power of my own questioning and imagination. I am certain they hold a greater knowledge.

From this absurdity, I began to aspire to be this woman of whom I knew nothing of. I learned that I could be anything, it just takes the thought. I have always held fiction close, so that if I wake from this wonderful dream I may not forget the power of myself and my questions. I wish to never forget what comes through the thoughts, when you don't just accept what is.

The picture sits and still I wonder. My wonderings always contradicting each other, so that one idea will not ferment and become too powerful a thing as to ruin imagination. I cannot truly see the flaws and folds in the picture; alas I know they are there. I can see the beauty in her eye, the way it is illuminated as the sun hits the glass frame. I can see and I know who my grandmother was, she was a dreamer, and imagination never dies.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Waking Up

Why is it that some humans experience major transformations in their consciousness and others simply do not?

Many who have near-death experiences are never the same afterwards. They recall being in a realm of light and love like nothing they have ever known here on Earth--but to find this place of great peace, they had to go through extreme physical distress. After the near-death experience, many times their bodies heal quickly, returning to a state of health and function equal or nearly equal to that which they experienced previously. They do not regret having died because what they have found gives them a level of hope and peace unlike any they might have found otherwise.

Having a shock of some sort, and coming out the other side of it a whole and better person, can be the chance of a lifetime. During these moments, we see that we are so much more than our bodies, and that there are realms invisible to our five senses that are as real and valid as what we experience in this three-dimensional world.

But do we really have to die to fully live? Do we have to go through physical or emotional tragedy to truly connect to what exists beyond the mundane?

The answer, of course, is no. In order to "wake up," we need only accept the truth about our world, our lives, and our capacity to change them both.

When we live in a world of matter, we are controlled by material influences. We don't realize that we are getting the results we get because we expect those very results. We are controlled by the weather, the stock market, our bank accounts, our bosses, and our spouses. We feel good when we experience physical pleasure through food, sex, or societal recognition, and we feel bad when those pleasures don't live up to our expectations, or fulfill us.

This world is meant to test us. The test is not the important thing: it is our reaction to it that counts. We can use each event in our experience as a stepping-stone to freedom. Turning our thoughts away from the material picture helps us know the truth: that harmony, love, peace, health and abundance are the truth, and that their opposites, disharmony, hate, war, sickness and lack, are not real. Knowing this will keep us in a peaceful state where we can operate without stress and confusion.

Waking up is not easy. It is hard work to free ourselves in every area to reach a place where we can say, "I am one with God, and none of this moves me." But living in our Self, the consciousness that is one with God, allows us to operate much more effectively. We live in a mental universe--it is all thought. Matter is the manifestation of our thought in the world we create for ourselves, and therefore we need not change anything but our thoughts to change the world.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Right-Brained Thinking

I recently came across an article in USA Today about the current transition in the business world toward right-brained thinking. Since computers are now taking care of a lot of the left-brained tasks for which we used to need precise, logical thinking (i.e. financial record-keeping, statistics), it’s becoming more important to hone our creative, right-brained skills. A computer can crunch numbers all day long—but without a creative, innovative plan by which to put them to use, all those numbers are nearly useless.

As this transition occurs, discussions are arising about how such a shift can be made. One major obstacle is the manner in which we are educated. Current curricula and methods used in both public and private schools are decidedly left-brained; we are trained from childhood to process information in a logical, linear fashion—to consider the details rather than the whole picture, to analyze information rather than apply it. We are conditioned to think inside the box, and the box tends to grow smaller as we get older.

In our changing world, this way of thinking no longer suits us economically, socially, or spiritually. We know that it’s no longer good enough to do things the way they have always been done before, but there is no roadmap for where we’re going. Right-brained thinking will forge the way. Perhaps we’ll all create our own paths from here, and weave an entirely new picture of humanity. It’s quite exciting to think about—and a little daunting, too. When there’s no formula, the possibilities are endless!

It can be quite difficult for someone who has followed a left-brained path to transition into a more creative mindset—especially if they try to so using their logical mind. It sounds a little silly when I say it like that, but believe it or not, that’s what most people try to do. They believe that if they devote enough thought power to a problem, a solution will present itself, and its appearance will testify to their creativity even if the solution comes from their logical mind.

This linear way of thinking limits people not only in their work, but in all areas of their lives. The issues which test us on this physical plane cannot always be solved through a logical thought process. In fact, attempting to do so can only solidify a problem, because so much thought energy is devoted to the problem and to the act of unraveling it; what we think about becomes real.

When we begin to function using our right brain—our creative brain, which is connected to the spiritual plane and our own deep God-sense and intuition—we begin to view our lives in an entirely new way. We begin to creatively shape our world, rather than reacting to the things we subconsciously bring into it. We begin to see problems as opportunities, and learn to harness our creativity to shift situations to our advantage. Sometimes, we realize that our problems are not really problems at all, but rather obstacles of our own making; when this realization occurs, we can allow the problems to simply melt away, because they never really existed.

The Silva Method teaches us to use both our logical left brain and our creative right brain to harness the twofold power of will and imagination. As we shift from the Beta to the Alpha state of consciousness, we learn to slip beneath the surface of our daily mental routines and into the core of ourselves, to draw upon the intuitive gifts that each of us are born with. By merging our right- and left-brained selves, we become more powerful, more centered, more compassionate, and more creative.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What Is SilvaUltramind?

I've been a Silva UltraMind instructor for more than half a decade, and it never fails to amaze me how many people aren't aware that this amazing method even exists.

Jose Silva, creator of the Silva Method, began teaching in 1966 to audiences around the world. For twenty-two years prior to beginning his own instructive courses, Silva studied philosophy, psychology, and meditation, as well as ancient spiritual traditions from all over the world, and drew from them all to create a system which allows anyone to utilize the amazing, untapped power of their own mind.

The Silva Method operates on the principle that the subjective world of thought controls the objective world of matter. We have the power to transform our lives through conscious thought, creative visualization and connection to our spiritual nature.

Many people let life simply happen to them, and live in a state of constant reactivity to events and energies on the physical plane. However, they are creating their own reality on an unconscious level; whether they know it or not, they are manifesting their fears, reactions and negative emotions as objects or events in the physical world. This happens because what we believe becomes real to us, and when we believe most strongly in the things we fear, those things become our reality.

On the other hand, students of the Silva Method know that all human beings are entitled to live in perfect health and perfect happiness, and so are able to create that state for themselves. Instead of connecting unconsciously with the spiritual plane, they work consciously within it, using the potent combination of will and imagination to manifest success, health, and abundance on the physical plane.

The popular book "The Secret" brought this concept to the public in its simplest form. The Law of Attraction sates that thought dictates the reality of life. What you think about, you draw to you. The Silva Method takes the Law of Attraction to the next level by providing a way to work with creative visualization at a higher level of consciousness, and therefore produces even moor profound results.

Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta

From the time we are babies, up until we reach the age of three or so, we exist in what is called the Delta state. Our minds are vibrating on a much higher level. At this stage, many of us have memories of our past lives, and are far moor sensitive to the energies of the spiritual plane. When we reach the Theta state, in the early childhood years, we're still very connected;some children's invisible friends are more real than their parents believe!

When we pass into the Alpha state, during puberty, we're coming more into the physical plane, but still contending with the fact that what we know to be true in our spiritual selves is not known to be true in the physical world. Adults generally vibrate on the Beta level, which concentrates thought energy on the outside, physical world, rather than the inner, spiritual world. As we grow older, therefore, we lose the connection to the spiritual plane, and become Moor focused on the physical plane.

About 10% of adults still operate on the Alpha level in their daily lives. These are the people who are "tuned in" to the spiritual plane. They are intuitive, right-brained thinkers, and are often considered incredibly lucky. The Alpha level is a place where awareness is expanded, and boundaries are stretched. In the Silva Method, we learn that the Alpha state--and even the deeper Theta and Delta states--are accessible to anyone, and the achievement of these states can be learned through practice.

In my teaching, I'll often tell students to "go to level" when they are experiencing fear or emotional stress, meaning that they should find their Alpha state. Once the mind has experienced the "altered consciousness" of the Alpha state, it can return there on cue. The problems and concerns of the physical world look very different when viewed with and Alpha mind. You can achieve "miraculous" healing and banish your fear.

The God Within

One of the central tenets of the Silva Method is that we are truly connected to God. We are not just supplicants, but have direct access to the God-power within us, and can work collaboratively with it. In the effort to bring ourselves close to God, we become more like God, and are better able to access the power that lives in our innermost selves.

The Silva Method also encourages students to appeal to a higher wisdom. This wisdom comes, not from some external source or "guru," but from the power within. Whether you acknowledge this as God(by any name)or simply as your own Higher Self, you can learn how to ask this power for guidance and receive the answers you need. Then, you will be able to work with your higher power to manifest the health and happiness you want in your life. You become an active participant in creating positive change:the co-creator of your own destiny.

Learning the Silva Method does not require you to believe in God, but neither does it discourage you from doing so. Many priest and faith leaders have found a deeper connection with God through the techniques taught by Jose Silva. On the other hand, many people who have no ties to organized religion have found their own deep spiritual connection. Each person's experience is unique.

Learning Silva UltraMind

I'm a lifelong student of metaphysics, and I've explored many different methodologies, but the Silva Method truly resonates with me. I myself, and the hundreds of students I've taught over the years, have experienced the profound effects that Silva UltraMind can generate. Perfect health and abundance are our divine birthright, but we need to recognize them as such before they can blossom in our lives.

When people learn the Silva techniques they experience dramatic shifts of consciousness that produce tangible results in the physical world. They begin to understand that their dreams are well within their reach.

As a Certified Silva UltraMind instructor, I offer seminars and workshops throughout the New England area. Check out my schedule here, if you have questions about the article or the Silva Method in general, please feel free to e-mail me at beccacushing@netzero.com

Better and better!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August 7, 2008

Spontaneous Healing and Why it Works
My Experience of a Spontaneous Healing and How it Changed My Life Forever

It was 1974 when a doctor told me I had early cancer and needed surgery the next week. I was 28 years old and the worst fear I had ever felt came over me as he gave me the news over the telephone. Having a great aversion to surgery, I asked what would happen if I chose not to do what he was suggesting. He told me I would be dead by the time I was 40. Another wave washed over me and put me in an altered state of all-consuming fear.

Having grown up in a time when a cancer diagnosis was a death sentence, cancer had been one of my greatest fears. For me surgery was not an option. I just did not want my body opened up or carved up. I like all my parts and intend to leave with everything I arrived with.

An earlier experience with creative visualization resulting in the manifestation of a plush apartment on Lexington Avenue in Manhattan, had shown me that the mind was a powerful manifestation tool.

My Healing Shift

However, manifesting an apartment seemed a far cry from healing cancer and I did not really know how to make it work. So I called a healer. She explained to me, in a loving and non-judgemental way, that perfect health was my birthright and nothing could invade my body to disrupt it's healthy state. Well, this made perfect sense to me and I figured that if believing this to be true had managed to heal others then, why not me too!

In that very moment I experienced a palpable shift in my consciousness. I went from being consumed by a great and horrible fear to an overwhelming sense of total freedom and peace. It was like being let out of jail!

You see, I had shown myself that creative visualization works and I came to realize that my nearly continual fear of being diagnosed with cancer served to manifest the disease within my body. Understanding that allowed me to take the radical step of turning my back on the medical prognosis.

If I had used my consciousness to attract the disease then it seemed logical to me that I could also use my consciousness to heal. This experience taught me that we are all healers and are all capable of healing ourselves.

There was a block in my consciousness that had created this adverse condition and when I heard those simple words, "perfect health is your birthright," I said to myself, "Of course." I knew immediately that my mind had created the condition and that my mind could un-create it and restore my perfect health. Today, I am well beyond 40 years old and do enjoy perfect health.

The real self, the eternal perfect self, was revealed to me and the body just naturally corrected itself. The human mind, or ego, just melted away and in that moment of healing I discovered the real me that was healthy and free.

Not only was my health restored, but I was not really the same person anymore. I realized my thoughts had been transformed. Nothing was the same.

The friends that I had and people I met for the next few days looked like puppets on strings as I talked to them and watched them interacting. It felt like I had lost some sort of a buffer, that before, had kept me from seeing the mechanical-ness of the human personality. Everything in nature looked exceptionally beautiful.

I moved back to the East Coast because I felt I needed to disconnect from the people and place I was living in, in order to contemplate what I had experienced. I studied the healings recorded in the Bible. Certain passages seemed to be illuminated as I read them. I felt like a waterfall was flowing through the inside of my body when I meditated. I began to have revelations about things that had happened and saw that my old way of thinking had created many problems and I was shown how my beliefs were creating all my experiences. It was like waking up from a dream. The old me was disappearing and a new me was being born.

How You Can Shift

Anyone can experience a healing and anything can be healed. We are what we believe we are. The shift takes place when we are tired of our old way of being. Because my fear was so great and because my aversion to surgery was also great I set myself up for an instantaneous healing. There was really no other option.

There is a light switch within each of us that we can flip on anytime we need it. This switch is the path to freedom. Fear based thinking brings us pain and suffering. Love based thinking brings us freedom and health. This a why it is called radical thinking - a radical change or shift must occur.

I believe I was ultimately led to becoming a Silva UltraMind Instructor because I recognized that the system Jose Silva developed is a tool that people can use to facilitate just that sort of radical change for themselves.

Everyday in everyway, I'm getting better and better. How about you?

If you would like to re-publish this article, you may as long as you include all of the following: Rebecca Cushing is a lifelong student of metaphysics and a certified Silva UltraMind Instructor who travels throughout America lecturing on metaphysics and teaching this life-altering meditation technique. For more information and to find out when she is coming to a city hear you visit http://www.rebeccacushing.com.

July 18, 2008

This Summer Sundown Series is off to a great start! Vic Zeller treated a full room to his wealth of knowledge and insight about the universe in general and, in particular, UFO experiences that have been relayed to and investigated by him over the years.

Personally, I have always had a strong interest in UFO's since my own "close encounter" at the shore in New Bedford, MA. back in 1966.

Three saucers flew towards me from across the water and hovered right above where my companion and I were on the shore. They stayed for several moments before they headed back out to sea.

I found it interesting that they were shaped just like the sort of thing you'd see in the movies in the 50's and 60's - saucer shaped with a clearly visible dome shape on the top.

After this experience, I felt compelled to try and find out where they were from so I joined the airline as a stewardess, thinking that my peers in the field of avionics might be able to offer me some insight or, at the very least, share some similar experiences.

I learned that, yes, many pilots see things they cannot explain but I also learned that they were reluctant to talk about it for fear of losing their jobs and being labeled as a nut.

Sunday Morning did a segment recently on UFOs and said that one out of five Americans claim to have had some sort of UFO experience and that half of all Americans believe in the possibility of life in other parts of the universe.

The Vatican has even issued a statement that it is okay to believe in alien life as long as we think of them as our brothers and sisters.

Countries like France, England and Japan have opened up their files regarding UFO's. Astronauts have reported seeing things in outer space and some have come forward and talked about it.

I have to say that probably the best benefit of having had a "close encounter" is the way that it opened up my mind to the idea that anything is possible. And with an open mind those possibilities are infinite.

If you've had an experience you'd like to share with me, I'd love to hear about it.

If you would like to re-publish this article, you may as long as you include all of the following: Rebecca Cushing is a lifelong student of metaphysics and a certified Silva UltraMind Instructor who travels throughout America lecturing on metaphysics and teaching this life-altering meditation technique. For more information and to find out when she is coming to a city near you visit www.RebeccaCushing.com.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jose Silva's UltraMind ESP Free Lecture

Hi Everyone:

The first Providence RI meeting was a huge success. It had been raining buckets all day but people came from all over. When like-minded people get together we always enjoy each other's company and appreciate that we can talk openly about things that left brain minded people don't find very interesting.

I encourage you to come on March 5 for the next free lecture at the Downtown Providence Marriott, One Orms Street, Providence, RI., from 7 - 9 PM.

Contact me at 508 958-1635 or email me at beccacushing@netzero.com


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Monthly Meetings in Providence

Starting in February there will be a monthly meeting in Providence for Silva graduates and people who are interested in learning more about the work of Jose Silva. I know many of you have wanted to get together on a regular basis so this will be your opportunity to network with like-minded people and do some great things together.

The meeting will be held at the Downtown Providence Marriott, One Orms St., Providence, RI 02904. Parking is free at the hotel and it is very easy to get to.

The meetings will go from 7:00 - 9:00 PM and I hope you can make it. Here is the schedule for the next few months.

February 13 evening lecture
March 5 evening lecture
March 15-16 Silva UltraMind Seminar
April 2 evening lecture
May 3-4 Silva Ultramind Seminar
May 7 evening lecture

This evening is sure to be a great experience and a way for Silva people to stay in touch.

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Get A Free CD

Hi Everyone, I sent an email out to let you know I have finally recorded my voice doing the Long and Short Relax. It is always good to have the instructors voice on a recording because it can get you to "level" quickly. It should take you back to the classroom experience.

I will send you a CD if you will send me a testimonial. Just include your mailing adress in the email and I will send you a CD absolutely free. I have the Long Relax with the Alpha Sound, The Long Relax with the Theta Sound, The Short Relax with the Alpha Sound and the Short Relax with the Theta Sound.

If you want an additional one, they are $15 each. I won't charge for shipping.

So if you would like to send a testimonial that would be great. Also, let me know that I have permission to publish it. If you don't want to have your name on it let me know. It could be your initials or anonymous.

Better and better,